What is a GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Account?
A GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Account is a payment option allowing GPO's customers to submit a lump sum payment to GPO which may be used over a period of time to pay for completed printing orders.
Why should my Federal Agency open a GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Account?
Opening a GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Account can help you to:
- Maintain better control of your funds
- Reduce or eliminate invoices from GPO
- Save productive time
- Save money
How do GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Accounts Work?
If you are a Federal printing and binding customer, GPO offers Deposit Accounts as a payment option which allows you to maintain control of funds at the appropriation level and virtually eliminate invoices from GPO. The process is easy to use.
- Determine the estimated cost of printing you expect to order during a period of time, e.g., month, quarter, or year.
- Complete and sign GPO Form 4045 (Deposit Account (Printing and Binding)) and submit it to GPO to establish your Deposit Account.
- Deposit funds into your account at the time of establishment using either the Department of Treasury's IPAC system or by submitting a check with your Form 4045.
- GPO will assign a Deposit Account number. This account number will serve as your BAC number on your SF-1s submitted for printing and binding orders toward this account.
- Replenish funds into your account as necessary to maintain your desired account balance.
- Monitor your transactions by logging into your account on GPO's Web site. Deposit Accounts are updated daily to show all account activity - deposits, itemized charges for all completed printing orders, transfers between accounts, etc.
Are GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Accounts Legal?
Yes. Advanced payment to GPO for printing and binding is authorized by 44 USC ยง310, which reads in part, "Adjustments on the basis of the actual cost of delivered work paid for in advance shall be made monthly or quarterly and as may be agreed by the Public Printer and the department or establishment concerned."
Can I open more than one GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Account?
Yes, you can open multiple GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Accounts. In addition, any excess funds, those which have not been committed by the submission of an SF-1, can be transferred between accounts allowing you greater flexibility in the use of your funds.
Do Appropriated Funds lose their Fiscal Year identity?
If you have concerns about maintaining fiscal year integrity of funds placed on deposit with GPO, you can address this issue easily by choosing one of two options:
- Reconcile your account at the end of the fiscal year. Then, at the beginning of the next fiscal year, deposit funds for the new year. After all your orders from the previous fiscal year have cleared through your account, you may request a refund of any unused funds. Or,
- Reconcile your account at the end of the fiscal year. Then, at the beginning of the next fiscal year, open a new deposit account and include the new account number on your SF-1s for all orders placed in the new fiscal year. After all your orders from the previous fiscal year have cleared through your initial account, you may request a refund of any unused funds. Once you have the two accounts established, you can choose to toggle between the two accounts each fiscal year.
How do I establish a GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Account?
To establish a GPO Printing and Binding Deposit Account, complete GPO Form 4045 and submit it, along with your deposit (IPAC funding information or check made payable to the Public Printer), to GPO according to the instructions located on the bottom of the form. The GPO Form 4045 and the accompanying instructions can be found on GPO's Web site at https://www.gpo.gov/how-to-work-with-us/agency/forms-and-standards.
For questions regarding establishing a Printing and Binding Deposit Account, contact
- Ms. Terri Herrion, GPO Accounts Receivable Section at 202.512.1189 or via email at therrion@gpo.gov, or
- Your GPO National Account Manager at 202.512.1904 or via email at nam@gpo.gov.